. Blogs


A blog is short for “Web log,” which is a website in which people can post just about anything they want, such as stories about their lives.  They are generally written by one person and arranged in chronological order by entry.  Typically, a blog is written in plain text and not in html format.  Blogs are important because they allow people to keep in touch with each other and share stories when they may not be able to otherwise.  Any computer user should know about them, but they could be of special importance to employers.  If someone has posted something on the Internet via a blog that does not show the company in the best light, the employer may have the employee remove it or fire the employee.





IP Address

An IP Address, or Internet Protocol Address, is a unique identification number for each device within a network, such as computers, servers, and routers.  It consists of numbers separated by dots (periods) – for example – or  It is important not only because it allows each device to be identified, but also because it allows the devices to share information with each other.  IP addresses can be considered important to everyone because without them, things such as the Internet could not be used because websites require IP.  Because IP addresses are so important, it may be in everyone’s best interest to know about them.  People such as larger business owners and government agencies may find IP Addresses especially important, because they may have their own group of addresses which would make monitoring computer use by employees simpler.  Network administrators would most likely be the ones to monitor and track use.  IP addresses can also be important to business owners, police, and common citizens in cases of identity theft.  In such instances, a discrepancy in IP address could be used to indicate the victim was not the one purchasing items over the Internet, and could be used in conjunction with other information to track down the culprit.






“IP address" Oxford University Press, The Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t219.e10314>

"IP address"  Oxford University Press, A Dictionary of the Internet. http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t12.e1757



RAM (see Memory)

RAM is random access memory, is a temporary storage area used by the CPU. Programs are loaded into RAM in order to run. Data (such as a document) is loaded into RAM while the file is open. Random meaning that any memory cell can be accessed at will, and does not have to be accessed sequentially.  When power is lost, the information is lost too! All computers require memory to function, therefore memory is not only important it is a necessity. RAM is important to every computer user and every user should know about it.  This is because RAM can affect the speed at which the computer runs.  If the user has noticed the computer is slow, it may have too many things stored in the RAM, and may need an upgrade.





A screen reader is a software tool used by those who are visually impaired, mentally handicapped or those with learning disabilities.  Screen readers attempt to take what is on the screen and translate it to something the individual can understand such as sound.  This instrument recites and describes the content of the page using a synthesized voice. This tool is important because it enables those who cannot see or understand what they are seeing to use computers.  It is a way of increasing just how widespread computer technology has become.  Screen readers are important to those who need to use them, for whatever reason that might be and their families and friends.  People with visual disabilities should be aware of screen readers in order to make their lives easier and seemingly normal when it comes to technology.  Also, those individuals who develop computer programs and design website pages should be aware of this tool.  By making small additions to their pages and programs, such as the addition of alternate text, they can ensure that their finished product can be understood and enjoyed by as many people as possible.  Alternate text is a way of making a statement to describe the picture on the screen heard by the person at the computer. This is important to the visually impaired as well as site creators because a company can get sued for not accommodating their possible visually impaired customers. 


“Accessibility Introduction to the Screen Reader”; Division of Information Technology-UW Madison 


“Screen Reader” Wikipedia
